Zeynep Çilek Çimen (1984, Ankara), seeking the possibilities of form in her works, produces art as a form of expression of traditional interaction. It takes an optical surface painting approach while abstracting motifs repeatedly. While this approach mainly focuses on form relations, it also includes symbolic uses of these motifs. In his composition, which he built with a simple rhythm, he places the motifs created by nomadism in the center. Single or multiple images, which sometimes intertwine or deform, establish new semantic relations, turn into a formal understanding that carries the belief that cultural identity can be revealed through symbols. Creating his own myth in the middle of cultural identities through Anatolian, Seljuk and Turkish motifs, the artist carries a deep feeling that he transforms what he wants to convey from locality to universality with his nomadic images.
American University, Bachelor of Behavioral Sciences
Istanbul Aydın University, Art Management, Undergraduate
Istanbul Yeditepe University, Plastic Arts and Painting, MA
Solo Exhibitions
2014 Creation, Le Cinque Lune Gallery, Roma
2015 Creation, Turkish American Foundation, Washington
2015 Padişehir Video Art, Panaroma Museum, İstanbul
2016 Creation’’, Turkish Culture Center Shinuya-ku, Tokyo
2016 Contemporary İstanbul, MERKUR
2016 Hidden dowry,Merkur Gallery, İstanbul
2018 Artweeks Akaretler İstanbul
2019 Artweeks Akaretler İstanbul
2019 ’Mirror’’ CJONE Gallery Newyork
2023 'Spring'Merkur Gallery,İstanbul
Group Exhibitions
2016 Contemporary İstanbul, MERKUR
2018 Artweeks Akaretler İstanbul
2019 Artweeks Akaretler İstanbul